When you stay at the glass-roofed Aurora Pyramids, you can almost touch the ever-changing sky, nature and its forces. Heavenly nature and the Firmament present themselves through the glass roof in a new way, every day.
The Aurora pyramids (11 of them) are situated at Tonttula Experience village, only 10 minutes drive away from Levi centre. Kittilä Airport is 21km away from Aurora Pyramids.
Each pyramid (30 m²) offers:
Room amenities include:
In the summer, sleep masks to help with the midnight sun are available for an additional charge.
When booking for more than two guests, the third and fourth guests will enjoy a comfortable stay on our plush sofa bed.
The beds are motorized, and they are possible to adjust optimally for sleeping or to see a magnificent view through the glass roof.
In the summertime, you can admire the midnight sun, the gorgeous colours of nature prevail in autumn with orange sunsets.
During winter, you can experience the mystical Polar night with thousands of twinkling stars. Although we are above the Arctic Circle, we cannot guarantee seeing the nothern lights, or Aurora Borealis but the possibilities to see them will be multiplied while staying under the 360º glass roof of the pyramids.
The glass roofs of the pyramids are built of glass, which utilizes solar power for heating to keep them clear of snow and ice.
The warm glass doesn’t divert cold air into the pyramid, but keeps the air nice and regular.
The pyramids also have floor heating. In summertime, good air conditioning and energy-efficient windows ensure that the pyramids won’t get too warm from the sunlight.
The pyramids provide energy and a balance of nature’s forces to their guests. They harness and channel the ancient power of the Northern Lights, which you can admire under the glass roof of the pyramids.
The pyramid shape has provided positive effects to the human body throughout the ages. The beds in the pyramids are also aligned with the magnetic north pole.
The Pyramids and the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, form an empowering experience, taking the traveller closer to a balance with nature. An immemorial experience within the powers of nature – reach balance and collect energy for everyday challenges.
The courtyard of the Aurora Pyramids gives direct access to ski and snowmobile paths. The Elves’ Experience village has free parking space and a charging station for electric cars.
Only a short distance away from the Aurora Pyramids you can find the amenities of Tonttula, such as reception, breakfast, saunas on demand and other restaurant and activity services.
Aurora Pyramids are open throughout the year.
Breakfast by an open fire is available as an extra service at a nearby Northern Lights hut.
In addition, guests have free access to the courtyard fire hut.
Directly from the Aurora Pyramids, you can access cross-country ski trails or snowmobile routes. Tonttula Experience Village offers free parking and electric vehicle charging stations.
Just a short distance from the Aurora Pyramids are Tonttula’s other services, such as reception, breakfast, bookable saunas, and other restaurant and program services. An additional breakfast service by an open fire is available for purchase and served at the nearby Northern Lights Cottage.
The Aurora Pyramids are open year-round.
Additionally, guests have free use of a campfire site on the premises.
Please note:
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Tonttula – Elves Village
4:00 PM – 11:00 PM Hotel Hullu Poro Check-out:
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Tonttula – Elves Village
Photo gallery – outdoor photos
Photo gallery – indoor photos
More informations sales@elvesvillage.fi or tel. +358 16 6510 500
#AuroraPyramids #LightUpYourAura
Maailman paras sauna on?
#elvesvillage #levilapland #levi #sauna #avanto #tonttulanrantasauna
Imagine where you could be…
Under the northern lights, in a cozy Aurora Pyramid, surrounded by the magic of Lapland. Dreamy nights, unforgettable views, and an experience like no other. Follow us for more Lapland magic and start planning your next adventure!
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Santa's Workshop experience reservations is now open for next winter 🤩🎅
Book online www.elvesvillage.fi/en
Santa's Workshop experience reservations is now open for next winter 🤩🎅
Book online www.elvesvillage.fi/en
#santaclaus #santa #finland #lapland #winter
When you wake up in March and the world still looks really wintery 🤩
Tag your friends to see this 🤶
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✨ A magical escape in the heart of Lapland! ❄️
The Aurora Pyramids at Elves Village offer a breathtaking view of the Arctic sky and a cozy stay surrounded by snow-covered landscapes. Who else dreams of seeing the Northern Lights from a glass pyramid?
#LaplandMagic …#AuroraPyramids #WinterWonderland #ElvesVillage #tonttula #lightupyouraura #levilapland #lovelyfinland #visitfinland #elveshideaway #lapland #finland #wintervibes #arcticadventures
✨ Hyvää Naistenpäivää! ✨
Tontut juhlistavat tänään kaikkia naisia. Lämpimät halaukset kertovat kiitollisuudesta. Tänään erityisesti pidetään kädestä kiinni ja ollaan lähekkäin.
🩵 Pienillä teoilla on suuri merkitys.
#Naistenpäivä …#TonttulanElämyskylä
✨ Hyvää Naistenpäivää! ✨
Tontut juhlistavat tänään kaikkia naisia. Lämpimät halaukset kertovat kiitollisuudesta. Tänään erityisesti pidetään kädestä kiinni ja ollaan lähekkäin. 🩵
Pienillä teoilla on suuri merkitys.
#Naistenpäivä …#TonttulanElämyskylä
Kansainvälistä naistenpäivää vietetään lauantaina 8.3.2025 💕
Tule viettämään päivää Tonttulan Elämyskylään saunoaen, syöden ja rentoutuen 🥰
Ravintola Tonttulassa Hampurilaisbuffet la 8.3. klo 15 – 20:
Täytä itse hampurilaisesi mieluisillä täytteillä!
Vaihtoehtoina mm. pulled pork, broiler, herkulliset kastikkeet, suolakurkut, salaatit… ja oheen itetysti maistuvia lohkoperunoita.
Hinta 19 € / hlö.
Santa's Visitor Centerissä klo 10 – 19 Jäätelöbuffet:
Tule testaamaan Tonttulan oman jäätelötehtaan herkkuja ja äänestä oma suosikkisi! Hinta 9 € / hlö.
Saunan lisäksi mahdollisuus käydä avannossa ja porealtaassa nautiskellen samalla lasillinen kuohuvaa (sis. hintaan)
Vuorot klo 15 ja 17. Hinta 29 €/ hlö (sis. kuohuvan)
Varaukset elvesvillage.fi
Tervetuloa ✨