In the unique Elves Village, you can discover the mysterious Elves Hideaway,
take part in various activities,
enjoy a meal in a restaurant,
stay in a hotel or in the wonderful Aurora Pyramids.
The Elves Village is located in Lapland, 180 km north of the Arctic Circle near in Levi Resort.
Enter Elves Village and spend an unforgettable day! No one is too old for fairytales.
The Santa’s Visitor Center cafe, gift shop,
and Restaurant are open daily to everyone free of charge.
The Hidden Huts (Gingerbread House, Elf School, Seitastone),
Santa’s Home, visits to Santa Claus, and reindeer programs
are only open during specific times as part of guided experiences.
1. Santa´s Visitor Center
Santa’s house as a whole covers two houses. Santa’s home, a sweet little log house, is located on top of a small knoll. Next to it rises the lower, elongated glass-walled Santa’s Elves Center multifunctional building, which hides an entire Christmas fantasy world inside.
Santa’s Vistor Center is home to Elves Villages’s information point, ticket office and cafe.
Registration for the programs starts at the Visitor Center.
Everyone is welcome to visit the Visitor Center’s cafe free of charge!
2. Santa´s Home
Santa’s home is a wonderful old-time style log building of a suitable size, with a kitchen, living room, bedroom, measuring room and secret door…
You can visit Santa’s home either by participating in the Elves’ workshop, Santa’s Workshop or by booking a meeting with Santa Claus.
3. Restaurant & Reception
The hotel reception is open during business hours.
The restaurant offers the Elves’ breakfast, which is so popular that we recommend booking a table in advance!
At lunch time, we enjoy a changing, steaming soup and selected dishes from the menu.
At dinner time, Ravintola Tonttula’s á la carte menu honors Lapland’s traditional ingredients and taste world, adding a touch of international flavors inspired by Santa’s travels around the world.
4. Hotelli
Have an unforgettable experience at Elves Village Hotelt. This is an excellent place for groups, families or just for you when you want to experience something a bit different.
5. Country House
Next to the main house is a separate Country house of four bedrooms, kitchen and sauna.
6. Elf’s cabin
The Elf’s cabin is a 120 m² detached cottage in the Elf’s courtyard with its own private sauna.
7. Aurora Pyramids
When you stay at the glass-roofed Aurora Pyramids, you can almost touch the ever-changing sky, nature and its forces. Heavenly nature and the Firmament present themselves through the glass roof in a new way, every day.
8. Grill hut
The fire pit is free for the residents of Aurora Pyramids.
9. Northern Lights Hut
The two-storey Northern Lights Hut can be used for programmed evenings, birthdays, wedding receptions, corporate events and recreation.
In the heart of the Northern Lights Hut downstairs, there is a large fireplace and tables set up for up to 40 people.
The Northern Lights Hut has underfloor heating and toilet facilities.
10. Auora Trail
New! The Northern Lights Trail, which will be opened for the season 2024-2025, can be used freely by the customers of the Hotel and Aurora Pyramids.
There is a sign on the route
12. Riverside kiln
The kiln next to the sauna is a comfortable place to continue the evening where you can sit by the fire, enjoying a cold drink or even dinner.
13. The Temple
Included in the area fee:
This pleasant Temple in the Elves’ Village is located in the Elves’ Experience Village courtyard and it is a place you should definitely visit!
The idea behind the Temple is that any guest who comes here can spend a quiet moment in the Temple with his or her book of faith in their own language. Books of faith already exist in several languages.
14. Blacksmith’s workshop
Welcome to the new build – Blacksmith’s workshop – which is made in the old style.
Do you know everything that has been done with these tools and goods in the past?
Story of the Elf in a yellow dress -book and Elf in a ayellow dress and secret of Seita Stone -book is available on the Tonttula Café and (We can deliver books only inside the EU.)
15. Toppoganing hill
Tonttula’s large sledding hill is located next to the Visitor Center. You can borrow a pole from Pulkkamäki. We ask parents to assist and supervise the young skaters. Make sure there is no other calculator below. Counting in Pulkkamäki at your own risk.
Elves love to play soccer. In severe frost, the balls are stored at Santa’s Visitor Center, where you can borrow a ball from there.
16. Näkki
Näkki is a mythical creature said to be an evil spirit of the river. Elves Village´s Näkki is a beautiful maiden who, with her skillful violin playing, tempts swimmers splashing on the beach to swim too deep into the water.
The bigger elves have taught the smaller elves a spell, with which Näki+s can be banished so that he dares to go swimming in peace. When they get out of the water, the elves crouch in the beach water, picking up pebbles from the sand. You have to throw one on the ground before getting out of the water and shout: “Näkki to the water, I to the land!”
On Elf in a yellow dress and The Secret of the Seita Stone book you can read more!
17. Elves Path
Included in paid programs
The elves are doing their own thing in the hidden areas of the forest of experiences. A lucky wanderer will find an elf’s cabin or hiding place.
Walking is good exercise and the elves jog daily on Tonttula’s Tonttupolu. Take a walk there too, relax in the embrace of the forest and admire its elf-like magic!
18. Ginger breadhouse
Included in paid programs
* This is great spot take a pic! Please use #elvesvillage that we can see your wonderfull pic!
19. Elves School
Included in paid programs
An art and craft lesson is held at the elf school! Come join us for crafts and find your inner artist elf.
You can take the finished schoolwork home as a souvenir, everyone gets a full ten in the elf school!
20. Hut of Knowledge
Included in paid programs
21. Seita stone
Included in paid programs
You will see a large stone. A giant fir has grown on it since long ago. In the stump, all that’s left now of the fir, there’s a crow’s nest. This is the dwelling of the Great Avariti, who watches carefully anyone who approaches the stone. The roots of the fir have wound into the cracks of the stone over hundreds of years. You have arrived at the Seita-stone.
* This is great spot take a pic! Please use #elvesvillage that we can see your wonderfull pic!
22. The Bear-Chair
Included in paid programs
“The Bear-Chair stood majestically on the mossy forest floor. Sailor-Smith Elf had done some fine work. The features of the sacred animal were just like a real bear, and it was good to sink into its lap. At first, the seat felt a bit hard under her bottom, but after a while it felt as if she was sitting on a thick, soft pillow, it was so warm and comfy. The sitter felt safe, too – she was now in the lap of the bear, the king of the forest.”
On Elf in a yellow dress and The Secret of the Seita Stone book you can read more!
23. Santa’s vehicles
Included in paid programs
Santa’s vehicles
Battycopter, Rudolf’s sleigh, 200-year-old bicycle and Gift sled
24. Reindeers
If the door to the reindeer herder is open, those who bought the ticket can visit the fence.
Reindeer is a semi-wild domestic animal of the Arctic region, which is highly valued in Tonttula. There are many kind reindeer living in the reindeer farm, some of the reindeer were born last summer, so they are still a little timid around people. Please approach the reindeer calmly and watch out for the antlers.
You can feed the reindeer with lichen. Reindeer candy and lichen can be bought at the Visitor Center.
When the door is closed, you must not enter the enclosure under any circumstances!
For an additional fee, you can get to know the reindeer better. Elves’ reindeer ride can also be booked for an additional fee.
25. The sheep
Baa baas are the Elves’ Village sheep and they are Leenu, Tauno, Sulo, Nipsu, Tiinu ja Miina.
The sheep’s favourite foods are fireweed, bread, roots, and especially carrots.
Sheep like people. Come say hello!
26. Nativity scene barn
There is an exhibition of Nativity scene in the barn.
27. Elves’ Homes Museum
The Elvish residents in the storehouses adore children, but even adults can be pleasantly surprised when they take a peek inside!
28. Kicksledges
One person seated and one person steering can use a kick sledge in one go.
Try it; it is a fun and effective way to strengthen the muscles in the back of your thighs. Kicksledges can be used to travel from the courtyard to the magic forest and back.
Santa's Workshop experience reservations is now open for next winter 🤩🎅
Book online
Santa's Workshop experience reservations is now open for next winter 🤩🎅
Book online
#santaclaus #santa #finland #lapland #winter
When you wake up in March and the world still looks really wintery 🤩
Tag your friends to see this 🤶
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✨ A magical escape in the heart of Lapland! ❄️
The Aurora Pyramids at Elves Village offer a breathtaking view of the Arctic sky and a cozy stay surrounded by snow-covered landscapes. Who else dreams of seeing the Northern Lights from a glass pyramid?
#LaplandMagic …#AuroraPyramids #WinterWonderland #ElvesVillage #tonttula #lightupyouraura #levilapland #lovelyfinland #visitfinland #elveshideaway #lapland #finland #wintervibes #arcticadventures
✨ Hyvää Naistenpäivää! ✨
Tontut juhlistavat tänään kaikkia naisia. Lämpimät halaukset kertovat kiitollisuudesta. Tänään erityisesti pidetään kädestä kiinni ja ollaan lähekkäin.
🩵 Pienillä teoilla on suuri merkitys.
#Naistenpäivä …#TonttulanElämyskylä
✨ Hyvää Naistenpäivää! ✨
Tontut juhlistavat tänään kaikkia naisia. Lämpimät halaukset kertovat kiitollisuudesta. Tänään erityisesti pidetään kädestä kiinni ja ollaan lähekkäin. 🩵
Pienillä teoilla on suuri merkitys.
#Naistenpäivä …#TonttulanElämyskylä
Kansainvälistä naistenpäivää vietetään lauantaina 8.3.2025 💕
Tule viettämään päivää Tonttulan Elämyskylään saunoaen, syöden ja rentoutuen 🥰
Ravintola Tonttulassa Hampurilaisbuffet la 8.3. klo 15 – 20:
Täytä itse hampurilaisesi mieluisillä täytteillä!
Vaihtoehtoina mm. pulled pork, broiler, herkulliset kastikkeet, suolakurkut, salaatit… ja oheen itetysti maistuvia lohkoperunoita.
Hinta 19 € / hlö.
Santa's Visitor Centerissä klo 10 – 19 Jäätelöbuffet:
Tule testaamaan Tonttulan oman jäätelötehtaan herkkuja ja äänestä oma suosikkisi! Hinta 9 € / hlö.
Saunan lisäksi mahdollisuus käydä avannossa ja porealtaassa nautiskellen samalla lasillinen kuohuvaa (sis. hintaan)
Vuorot klo 15 ja 17. Hinta 29 €/ hlö (sis. kuohuvan)
Tervetuloa ✨
✨ Tonttulan taikaa iltahämärässä ✨
Kun ilta laskeutuu, Tonttulan Elämyskylä herää loistoonsa. Taustalla siintävä Levitunturi muistuttaa, kuinka lähellä tämä satumainen paikka onkaan – vain lyhyen matkan päässä, mutta täysin omassa maailmassaan.
Tervetuloa …kokemaan Tonttulan lumoava tunnelma ja löytämään oma joulunhenkesi! ❄️🎄
#TonttulanElämyskylä #LeviLapland #LaplandMagic #VisitFinland #WinterWonderland
✨ Tonttulan taikaa iltahämärässä ✨
Kun ilta laskeutuu, Tonttulan Elämyskylä herää loistoonsa. Taustalla siintävä Levitunturi muistuttaa, kuinka lähellä tämä satumainen paikka onkaan – vain lyhyen matkan päässä, mutta täysin omassa maailmassaan.
Tervetuloa …kokemaan Tonttulan lumoava tunnelma ja löytämään oma joulunhenkesi! ❄️🎄
#TonttulanElämyskylä #LeviLapland #LaplandMagic #VisitFinland #WinterWonderland